Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 13: Something you struggle with.

I struggle with lots of things...

Not bruising myself a million times a day.

Remembering to water the plant (or feed the fish).

Continual use of the words "dude", "legit", and "epic".

So obviously a comprehensive list of serious struggles.  More honestly though, I struggle to maintain motivation over long periods, knowing when to speak up and when to stay quiet, and how to actually "rest".  On a more serious note though, as brought to my attention tonight yet again, I struggle with a sense of personal security.

Probably the opposite of what you're immediately thinking.  Sometimes I delude myself into believing unsafe situations are, in fact, safe.  I used to walk home at night in Mexico (by myself) frequently, I've taken several midnight runs, and I never worry about making it to my car (especially if it's within the sight line of the building I'm coming out of.

I struggle to remember my safety a lot of the times.  Thankfully other people look out for me.

I'm working on this, but it seems counter intuitive to me.  I don't frequently try to make myself fearful of something, so it's new territory.  Regardless though, my disregard is dangerous not only to myself, but for those who might mimic my behavior.  And that gets my attention.

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