Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 36: Something that stresses you out.

I'm a planner.  Deep down.  Through and through.

I've always prided myself on how organized I've kept life.  Deadlines through school carefully managed and scheduled.  Specific plans detailed through even more detailed lists. 

I was not one of those people who forgot something important.  My brain just didn't operate on that wavelength.

Somewhere post-college I lost my edge--in a healthy way, I'm sure.  And I settled into a less rigid, yet still scheduled life.

You know how when you work with the same thing over and over again you sort of desensitize yourself to it?  That time away can make some things (that existed before) readily apparent?

Coming back from a short Spring Break vacation was slightly overwhelming in that regard.  I can't keep everything straight.  And it seems like such a big project to organize that I'm not even sure where to start.
Photo credit: Secrets to Ultimate Living Blog
It occurred to me this week that my life feels chaotically unorganized right now.  I almost missed a mortgage payment the other month.  I can't remember the last time I checked my car's oil or went to the dentist.  I can't keep track of most of the deadlines at work--so I constantly feel unprepared with not enough time to do it all.

I'm feeling stretched thin.  Struggling to keep it all together.

And I can't help but wonder, if an organized person like me feels like this, how do the rest of people do it??!

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