Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 24: Most embarrassing moment.

While I'm sure I have plenty of embarrassing moments, I could never think of a specific one when asked "what's your embarrassing moment?"  So I spent some time coming up with one and it's my automatic go-to story.  It even has a picture.  Guess I just got lucky.

When I was a sophomore or junior in high school our baseball team made it to the playoffs.  Their first game happened to be at our school.  I guess it was a big deal because we needed an official national anthem with a big flag. They were sure proud.  Anyway, I happened to be at the game, so the A.D. asked me to hold the flag.  I thought, "no problem, this'll be easy".  Unfortunately it wasn't quite as easy as I thought it was going to be.  I got out in front of everyone there and attempted to unroll the flag.  But it had tassels!  The tassels wrapped themselves around the flag while I unrolled it and it was too big to hold differently without dropping it.  I kept trying desperately, but it wasn't going well--and everyone was watching.  On top of that, a friend of mine was going to play the national anthem on his trumpet.  He was waiting for the flag to be unrolled before he started.  Not a great combination.  Regardless, I was mortified.  Picture proof.  Don't be confused, the flag looks practically unrolled in this picture, but it's not.

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