Thursday, March 10, 2011


Patience and flexibility are what I strive for.  Sometimes I fail (e.g. when people drive slower than the speed limit in the fast lane), but fortunately most of the time I do okay.  It's my attempt to "go with the flow", something that seems to come easily to my more outgoing friends.

Unfortunately, after a few weeks of meetings either being blown off, forgotten about, or canceled on repeatedly, I became frustrated.  Was I being a push over in my "easy-going-ness"?  Was life just so busy that I was an afterthought to people?  Or, was I holding my friends to unrealistically high standards given the frantic "go go go!" culture we live in? 

I drifted through my thoughts about it until it occurred to me.  What if the meetings kept getting canceled because I wasn't ready (mentally, emotionally, or spiritually) to have those meetings?  Almost like a light bulb went off, I feel like God is saying "you have some work to do Megan, I want you fully prepared before you're in that situation because those conversations are important, and not just for you."

So, as I push through another delayed meeting, I'm going to look at the situation differently.  Instead of being angry I'm going to be encouraged and value the extra time I have to prepare my heart, my mind, and my thoughts.  So that when the time comes my words and my actions will shadow God's heart and plan for that particular situation/conversation.

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