Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 9: Something you don’t leave the house without.

I don't voluntarily leave the house without my cell phone.  My absolutely fabulous iPhone 4.  I lived with one of those pitiful flip phones for ages, and then finally upgraded.  Best. Decision. Ever.  I love this phone.  Is that weird?
I can access my mail, internet, and day planner wherever I'm at on my iPhone.  Good or bad, the world is at my fingertips all the time, and when the "world isn't within reach" my world starts to tip on its axis.  It's almost like leaving an arm or a leg at home.  How else do I share thoughts that come randomly, or thoughts on something I've seen?  How do I check the ingredients to a recipe I didn't (have the time to) write down?  How do I know when my mortgage bill is due?  Thankfully I can count on one hand how many times that has happened.  But when it does, yikes, I actually feel sort of naked.

I lived without a cell phone when I studied abroad in Mexico, and somehow I survived.  Perhaps life with cell phones (i.e. mini computers) necessitates the constant need.  Without them life would be simpler.  But also much less optimized.

And since I take a lot of pictures with my phone, this isn't actually my phone.  I didn't have the time to pull out my camera to take a picture of my phone.... busy busy life.

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