Sunday, January 23, 2011

Early Sunday Morning

I'll be the first one to tell you that I'm not very good with old people. I never know what to say or do, and inevitably I end up in an awkward situation. Story of my life. I just chalk it up to the fact that I wasn't designed to work with the elderly and just keep on moving.

This morning I got a glimpse of this group. I didn't have to awkwardly participate, so I actually got a chance to appreciate on a different level. They sang a song I'd never heard, but the chorus struck me, "we have waited."

How much more profound are statements like that when a life displays the proof of their sincerity. It's the same thing with our lives. The words we speak or the actions we take are infinitely sweeter when our lives back them up. When people can see the that there is something more.

I don't envision directly working with/volunteering with my grandparent's generation any time soon, but I was grateful for the insight. More so, I'm just grateful that I opened my eyes enough to see more than I was expecting.

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