Saturday, December 18, 2010

Six Word Memoirs

There is a legend that Ernest Hemingway was once asked to write a story in six words.  No more, no less.  So he sat down and did it.  He came back and said that it was the greatest story he'd ever written:

"For sale. 
Baby shoes. 
Never worn."

Wow.  Absolutely amazing that you can form an entire story in just six words.

As an SLF team-building exercise we were challenged to take the task of "six word memoirs" a little more personal.  We were supposed to look back to the last couple of months in our lives and write a memoir that tells the story.  Silly examples were thrown out, along with really profound ones.  No wrong answers.

It was one of those experiences that I want to share with everyone now.  When forced to pair down something so big into so few words you really have to think it through.  I found that it was incredibly reflective and clarifying.  Not to mention just a great way to look back on the last couple of months and take inventory of where I've been and where I'm headed.  I love to see progress.

Here are a couple of mine:

"Closed doors.  Open windows.  God's plan."

"Lost hope.  Reconciliation.  By God's grace."

If you've never done a six word memoir before, do it!  Give yourself ten minutes, a piece of paper and a pen and let your mind wander.  It's interesting to see what experiences come to mind.  What are some of yours?

1 comment:

Larry Smith said...

Mine is: "Threw spaghetti at wall; some stuck."

And I'd love to invite you and your readers to submit your six-word memoir over at SMITH Magazine's Six-Word Memoir project,, where thousands of people have already shared their brief, brief life stories. We're always making books from our favorites.... so jump over and in if you like. -Larry Smith, SMITH Mag