Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I might actually be funny.

I've been reading Hyperbole and a Half for so long now that I have actually deluded myself into believing that I am as sarcastically funny as she is.  Seriously.  Delusion.

I guess it's a thin line between recognizing that I am, in fact, delusional, and still thinking/reading my stuff and finding it absolutely hilarious.  Perhaps deranged or retarded are more appropriate.

Regardless, all of my thoughts are now running through my head in a random mix of short, full-of-descriptive words text and stick-figure pictures of bears and stuff.  Life just got a whole lot more entertaining.

At least I think I'm funny.  (And amazingly funny at that).

You're probably just going to need to deal with it.

And then you should read all the stories on that website.  Then you can be as funny as me.  Fact.
photo credit: Hyperbole and a Half


Heather Seymour said...

I totally agree, that girl is HILARIOUS. I love her blog so much!

Megs said...

Had you been reading her before? She's *FABULOUS*! I can't believe I just heard of her website!

Lins said...

Um, Megan, I find you amazingly witty and hilarious and all sorts of awesome I someday aspire to be. You are at least 3/4 as funny as she is. Just saying.