Thursday, September 8, 2011

Running--you know, that hobby I supposedly really enjoy?

I'm back to work now.  My month-long furlough is unfortunately over.  My house projects were sure grateful for the extra time though, but my sleep cycle is all kinds of out-of-whack.

If I told you my actual dreams, you might have me committed, so I'll spare you.  Suffice it to say, I'm sleepy. A lot.  This means that mornings are très difficult.  I'm supposed to be running--you know, that hobby that I supposedly really enjoy?--but mornings thwart me every time.

every. single. time.

I set my alarm for plenty early (without leaving too much excess time), and I routinely wake up to my alarm, in an almost-panic-but-too-exhausted-to-think-of-anything-beyond-more-sleep state of alert.  Hit the button, lay back down, and assure myself that my lack of sleep this particular morning is totally reasonable and worthwhile.

And that's probably where I've learned how to lie (to myself) convincingly.  I must be pretty naive though, because I'm 100% terrible at lying to anyone but myself.  Odd giggles and smirks almost always give me away.

So, I bask in the completion of a (relay) race that I've always wanted to run (Hood to Coast), and instead of guarding the precious "in shape-ness" that I spent weeks attaining, I sleep for another 30 minutes.  Usually with the false belief that I "will run in the evening".

Who am I kidding?  It has been in the 90's this week and last.  And my semi-traumatic experience with looking white as a sheet after trying to run four miles in the Portland 90° heat, and the fuzzy memories surrounding it, don't help my giddy-up when it comes to running motivation (in the heat).  I do just like the wicked witch of the west and melt.  No water required though.

Pretty much just like this.

I see all those crazy people out there, running in the heat of the day anyway.  I can't decide if they're super-human or super-crazy.  Either way, it's a no-go for me.

So, logical Megan realizes that runs cannot be counted on to occur in the wee morning hours (with any regularity) and must occur at night.  But for that to happen, the weather must shift to cooler, it's-the-beginning-of-your-nine-month-winter weather.  And it's only September.  Way too early for the rain to start (and never stop again).

For as long as it took to get an actual summer (not until the beginning of July), I'm sure quick to send it back on it's way.

Perhaps if it could just be 40-50° in the mornings/evenings and 70's for the rest of the time.  Unrealistic?  Stupid El Niño/La Niña or whatever.  I need less extreme weather.  Pronto.


Megan said...

LOL at "extreme weather". ;) Honestly, I will never, ever complain about Oregon weather again!

Heather Seymour said...

I totally understand, I have NO idea how people can run in over-80 degree weather. My limit is 79 and I'd much rather it be 60!

Heather Seymour said...

Oh and I finally gave up hoping that I'd turn into a morning person and run in the morning... which gave me the resolve to do it in the afternoon. :)