Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Alot of...

After reading THIS post by Hyperbole and a Half (which is one of the funniest blogs ever).  I became obsessed with "alots".  The grammarian in me cringes even when I type it.  But somehow I have convinced myself that it's more of a noun than an adverb.  Somehow...

And, I think the very same website is to blame for my insistence on drawing funny pictures in paint.  I think I may just be trying to prove my epic level of funny.  Not sure it's working, but since I haven't written anything else in a while, I thought I would show you some of my more inspiring drawings.

Read THIS post about the "alots", or the pictures probably won't make much sense.

Here is the original alot.
Gratuitously stolen from Hyperbole and a Half  

Here are some of mine:
This is the rainbow alot.  Or "I see rainbows alot"  Which is true.  Too much rain.
This is the Save-alot.  A funny rendition of an actual store.  Ignore the text.  The picture has other uses before I decided to put it on the interwebs.
Obviously I stole the alot here and added my own train.
And this is my masterpiece from yesterday.  A mix of my strange fear of getting hit by trains and my strange obsession with alots.  I haven't actually decided who wins.  Although I'll tell you, I'm rooting for the alot.

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