Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Not today

Some days are just writing days.

Some days words are just easy, and themes fall together like puzzle pieces.

I love those days.  Life feels idyllic.  Progress/growth seems imminent.  And I'm brave enough to share a tiny piece of me with the world.

Unfortunately today was an odd day.  Today I had a heart full of emotions.  A heart full of themes.  Of passions, dreams, frustrations.  I had a writing plan.  And I was going to blog it all.  Process through it all in writing, hammer out what I really wanted to say, and then then click "post".

So I wrote.  And wrote and wrote.  And three pages later I had lots of jumbled thoughts on a page, but absolutely nothing cohesive.  Nothing finished.  Nothing even close to finished.  And also no energy to figure out how to make sense of it all.

And that's just odd for me.

But, I'll get there.  Eventually.  Perhaps those thoughts just aren't ready.  Perhaps I need to give them more time to percolate, to let God speak into what they mean for me specifically.  To let them settle into the cracks and holes they're meant to patch.

There's always more healing to be had.

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