Yet you can't do life without change. Without the lows you can't truly appreciate the highs. You can't have one but not the other. It just doesn't work that way. You can't just eat the M&Ms out of the trail mix, you have to eat all of the trail mix--even those pesky raisins.
The "lows" are notorious for literally bringing me to my knees. Surrendered and broken. I cry, crawl into Jesus' lap, and let His promise of better days to come wash over me. Those moments are precious. They're the reason that I can continue on despite the hurdles around me; I can't do it alone. Only by God's strength do I engage with the world around me. It's never easy, but that's a given.
Another day, another valley, another chance to crawl into Jesus' lap and let him soothe the pain from inevitable change. Yet another lesson to learn and grow from.
So, today I will cling to Matthew 11:28-30 and the quiet embrace from Jehovah-Shalom. And I'll let tomorrow worry about itself.
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